me : baby busuk!..
she : hmm..windu arr 2..
me : mana ada...
she : Liar...
me : hehehe...
i can close my eyes to things i dont wanna see… but i cant close my heart to things i dont wanna feel..and this all about my life..and my journey while im breathing..
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
while im driving after work...
Sunday, June 28, 2009
konsert mini cerita cinta rossa

kesimpulannya..aku malas mau cerita pic jerlah yg menceritakan gila n happening concert pun takde lah ramai sgt..dah tuh free...nak clear jerk dia..sound n everything perfect..i enjoy my self that nite...thanks hotlink..chaiyork2!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
ketam sos bercili
2 ekor ketam
5 sudu besar sos cili
2 sudu besar sos tiram
3 sudu besar sos Thai
Garam dan gula
4 ulas bawang merah
2 ulas bawang putih
3 cm halia
2 batang serai
5 tangkai cili merah
1. Goreng ketam yang digaul dengan kunyit dan ketepikan.
2. Panaskan kuali dan masukkan bahan kisar dan tumis sehingga naik bau.
3. Masukkan semua sos, kemudian bubuh garam dan gula secukup rasa dan tumis lagi.
4. Setelah bahan tumis pecah minyak, masukkan ketam dan kacau hingga sekata.
by John Fuller
If you're a college student with ears, you've probably heard everyone talking about internships. Either they already have one set up, or they desperately seek one, camping out in the career center between classes. So what's the big deal? Shouldn't a degree be enough to get a job after graduation? And isn't an internship a lot of useless work for little or no pay?
The pay issue is true -- it's difficult to find an internship that pays well, if at all. The degree part is different, though. It's becoming harder and harder for college graduates to find work right out of college with nothing but a framed diploma. Most companies look for real world experience when hiring and the best way to get that experience is through an internship. Despite the low pay, internships are worth it in the long run if you want to get your foot in the door and figure out your future.
Most people think the point of an internship is to serve coffee or run mindless errands. Everyone at some point has formed a negative image of the tortured intern trapped in a cubicle, filing endless amounts of paperwork. It's not always like that, though, and it doesn't have to be. Sure, you may have to perform a few menial tasks here and there -- that's part of any job. But most companies offer all kinds of opportunities for interns to get hands-on experience and learn the right technology.
You might work for a local news station and help edit footage for an upcoming story. Or maybe you'll crunch numbers for a big sales pitch and draw up all sorts of fun graphs (seriously, who doesn't like a good pie chart?). Whatever the case, chances are you'll play an important part in any process and receive a great opportunity to watch the real thing in action. People who work around you are generally very open, knowledgeable and willing to help, so ask as many questions as you can in order to get a more complete picture of the career.
What's the best-case scenario? If you work hard enough and impress the company, there's a chance they might offer you a full-time position. Even if you decline and eventually decide to find work elsewhere, getting an offer out of an internship will look great on a resume.
If you don't get an offer, that's OK, too. The company may not have a position available, or maybe you just wouldn't want to work there. An internship provides you with two great tools. First, you gain excellent real world experience and a great resume builder. Second, you get an inside look into a field of work you're interested in, helping you make that career path a little less sketchy. The least an internship will do is get you thinking about what you want to do for a living.
Note: The article above by John Fuller was courtesy of www.howstuffworks.comThe climb
I can almost see it.
That dream I'm dreaming, but
There's a voice inside my head saying
You'll never reach it
Every step I'm takin'
Every move I make
Feels lost with no direction,
My faith is shakin'
But I gotta keep tryin'
Gotta keep my head held high
There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waitin' on the other side
It's the climb
The struggles I'm facing
The chances I'm taking
Sometimes might knock me down, but
No I'm not breaking
I may not know it, but
These are the moments that
I'm gonna remember most
I've just gotta keep goin', and
I gotta be strong
Just keep pushing on, but
There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waitin' on the other side
It's the climb
There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waitin' on the other side
It's the climb
Keep on movin'
Keep climbin'
Keep faith baby
It's all about, it's all about
The climb
Keep the faith, keep your faith, woah
Friday, June 26, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Monday, June 22, 2009
always be my baby..
...You'll always be a part of me
I'm a part of you indefinitely
Girl don't you know you can't escape me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby
And we'll linger on
Time can't erase a feeling this strong
No way you're never gonna shake me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby....
Sunday, June 21, 2009
counting the minute now...
picture from wssoo blog..
owesome aite?..more owesome because it for free...hehehhe
p/s : some of my friend hate i won just my luck..!
selamat hari abah....

all i can say...with all the respect and love from my heart..
thank you abah...i love u so much...
You're always be the Greatest Love Of My Life

Saturday, June 20, 2009
new language?
semua sebb kesygan aku tuh..mentang2 ler dia half filipine half chinese...dibaginya aku ayat filipine tghari td...kalau bagi ayat chinese bleh je aku tanya kakak..nih filipine nak tanya thanks to google..semua ayat mampu dipatahkan aku..chewah...
memang seronok bila belajar benda beberapa term in tagalog yg aku suka benar blajar..keke..
Miss na miss kita. = I really miss you.
Ingat Ka = take care
Ikaw ang lahat sa akin. = You are everything to me.
Lagi kitang iniisip. = I always think of you.
Pahalik = Let me have a kiss.
and ni poet untuk baby in tagalog lang :
Ang buhok mo'y mahahabang ahas
Kung nakasalalay sa iyong balikat,
Mga ulang waring di lupa ang hanap
Kundi sampagitang humahalimuyak.
Sa itim ay gabing walang buwa't tala,
Sa haba ay halos humalik sa lupa,
Sa lago'y halamang malago't sariwa,
Sa sinsi'y masinsin at nakahahanga.
Naging katulad ka niyong Penelopeng
may timtimang pusong miminsang kumasi't
Ang naging aliwa'y luha't paghahabi.
Sa haba ng iyong buhok nakilala
Ang kadalisayan ng pagkadalaga
At ang kahabaan ng isang pag-asa.
Aalis na ako!!
Friday, June 19, 2009
one day i will publish diz..(for my EX)
hey babe..i dunno how could i tell u this..i know its a lil bit childish 4 me to express my feeling n wut i think regarding us from here...but u know wut..i think..this is da best medium coz when we are together..i dunno how to all i wanted to say dat..lately i feel like the special feeling that i have towards u is getting faded away day by day..i cant control myself anymore even i tried to keep tellin my self..that i was da one who really want u..but i think its also be the reason why i been far away from u....i dun regret at all..i even feel relief!..ive tried to be firm..tried to hav faith on u like i used too..but i couldnt..not anymore..afta i be the witness for all da mistake u've done n for all unfaithfull thing u do..and the careless u make for me..i think, i will no longer be the one that u can leaned on..a shoulder for u to share stories bout ur boys…da one who shared ur sadness..which i used to be the person who will know everythin especially when u get not da one who trying to be far away from u..but u da one who never let me be wut i used to be before wit u..rite now..i think i will no longer share my everyday routine with u sending u a morning msg..things that i love to do more...
when we started as a fren..getting close...been in 'relationship'..i dun think u really luv me babe..even from the day u say yes when i propose..the answer u gave me which i think i will be excited to listen..but weird thing not...same goes when u gave me ur first kiss on my lips..i dont have any feeling for that..i just keep silent doing my things and keep on eye from far watching u doing wut ever u like.. i tried to giving u a lot of space wif hope u can change and appreaciated other people heart...u can hav everything that we used to hav as part of ur memory..which i dun think u remember 1 of them..but do respect the decision ive made..and things that ive asked for…that u havent fulfill yet..which is stop playing wif other people heart..
people make mistakes…same to us…same to u...same goes to me..lets forgive and forget..but being together is not the best for us…i know u already tell me this before..skandal is better then getting together..u ask me.."r u sure?"..yeah..dat time i really sure..but now..u lost me babe..u already lost me when u get close wif ur "abg chik"... i realized that..but im still keep silent on that..wif hope u'll notice that..but..muna always be muna i know..both of us only a frend even afta u say doesn’t mean that when we were apart we cant be doesnt mean that i hate not hate juz my special feeling on u not there nobody to judge people nobody to convict others..maybe u didnt noe me well enough..maybe i also didnt know u well enough..but i do think i know u more then u know me..i’d rather loose a lover than losing a fren..thats me…im not just a human being that couldnt face stupid things several times..again n again...
im hepi with my life..hoping that u r hepi too..if u r sorry im failed to make u happy as a couple..dun think too much..appreciated wut ever u already hve..stop making others hurt..i know a lot of people already say this to da word didnt hve any meaning to u rite..but please..u r big enough to realize that its not good to make other people hurt...its not the end of life for me…ive prove u right, i guess??…im not good enough to make u falling in luv wif i'll let u go..yes i am…coz i hav too..
thanks god ive frens..who always support grateful to hav them..ive thanked them thousand times for their care, their words and their advices even i keep doing same stupid thing..even their not agreed for any of my action..i understand why they dunt agreed..they dun want me to get hurt..but they still support me from my back......n i noe, u do hav them let them be near u till u hav enuf strength..u dun need fake luv to be happy..u juz need a real fren who really luv u as who u r..dun trust other people to much babe..da love word from them..dunt u ever think ur playing da game better then them..coz sometime a players also will lost their game..juz try to hve a fren babe...not multiple or triple lover...
HE knows what’s the BEST for ME..n for U as lets face the fate..u r not for me..u r not worth it for me to wait either..
now that im ready to face my new life…ive found a rainbow after a heavy rainbow is helping me to fine the right sunshine again…keep me on not use to be alone..but im trying my best…coz ive learnt a not used to rely on others..but u make me awake..that sometimes we cant do things by ourself..n now everything that i wanted to do..i ask for opinion…not from u…coz i cant..
for u, the one who i used to die to care for (before..)..i will always care as a fren of mine…but u couldnt ask more from me…coz now im not promising u anything anymore..coz my feeling not on u everything already change from the day u lost me..…like u not promising me anything...
for u,
for ur true feeling towards me even it juz for a while…its make me feel like im in heaven at that moment..
for ur care…which u used to care bout me...before..
for ur kindness that i really adore..
for ur time u spend wif me..
for ur acception to be my gurl..which i am like a beast..n u r da beauty..
for the kiss..
let it be as part of my life n my memory.
i pray the best for u..
im done here.
im not gonna be wif u anymore..coz i dunt think u need me anymore..
im not goin to say the luv word anymore.
so people..lets move on!..
new page for new life please!
i am what i am “to be remember as the one who always smiles even her heart is broken and the one that could brighten up your day even if she couldn’t brighten her own..only the one..who really damn close n understand her well will know..wut is in her heart..but the thing is...its not u...muna..”
P/S : aku tulis nih lama dah..rasanya hujung tahun lepas...tapi tak tergamak nak publish.. sebb time tuh hati aku tak kuat lagik..skang bila aku bc balik..aku pk kenapa tak aku post saja..rugi kalau biar simpan jd draf..penat aku tulis..kan..huhu
Thursday, June 18, 2009
their love story
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
What money can buy?...

“It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that they are difficult.”
“In difficult moments, behave like a duck, keep calm and unruffled on the surface, but keep paddling away like crazy underneath.”
“To the world you might be one person, but to one person you might be the world.”
“Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success.”
“When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.”

Monday, June 15, 2009
what i watch this weekend

Sunday, June 14, 2009
my weekend...
my parent was here...abah doing his father job taking kabir to kabir has new tyre..hehehe...thanks abah...n we all family celebrating fatherday n mother day in da same time day spontainious...without any plan...start with mak telling me n abang..she want to eat pizza since all my family me n abang tell others to check on domino's menu n talk bout why not makan2 session become a celebratio for fathersday n my mom birthday... we all sharing the money without asking abah to pay for it...n abang n wifey went bought some cakes...abah has his own cakes for fathers day...n mak has her ice cream cake...its a early birthday wishing for them..since the exact day..we all their daughter n sons not be able to be around mom birthday is in this family eatig together really make them seems so happy...hehehe...then they went back to alor setar n kakak head back to shah alam..
n i bought some new fragnance perfume last night when i went to body shop to buy my new facial wash..suddently my sister open the paper bag this morning to see what i bought...and she laught so loud...
she said: What...a roses??...hahaha..what wrong with u?...
me:huh...salahkah??..i used it for working lah....
she said : whatever....i pray to god..u working at dbp like forever...
and my baby-love...when i told her i wanna cut my hair...she said she dun like my hair too other term...for her...she dunt like me getting the hair cut...maybe...hehehe...but hair is very soft if i cut my hair to short.u can see my skin tru i think need to change my hair style from now on...
so now...i think since im working now...I feel i need a change. im a lil bit change... hurmm... hurm....hope im changing in positive way...not negative...because i am no more a kids...or teenagers...i am grown up why not change a lil bit for my self aite..
this is for my baby-love...
"the greatest gift to my eyesight is having my eyes set on you..." was ur weekend?...Friday, June 12, 2009
my study field...
Since a lot of people didnt know what is library a few explainantion about what im study and what job we had and what people who working in this field being called..check it out :
Library science is an interdisciplinary field that applies the practices, perspectives, and tools of management, information technology, education, and other areas to libraries; the collection, organization, preservation and dissemination of information resources; and the political economy of information. Historically, library science has also included archival science.This includes how information resources are organized to serve the needs of select user groups, how people interact with classification systems and technology, how information is acquired, evaluated and applied by people in and outside of libraries as well as cross-culturally, how people are trained and educated for careers in libraries, the ethics that guide library service and organization, the legal status of libraries and information resources, and the applied science of computer technology used in documentation and records management.
Library Science professional :
*Cataloger Computer,
*Data and Information Systems professionals
*Information architect
*Information broker
*Virtual librarian
*Metadata Architects
*Metadata Managers
*Preservation Administrators and Conservators
University that offered this course in Malaysia :
*Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM)
*Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
*Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)
*Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)
*Universiti Industri Selangor (UNISEL)
*Universiti Islam Antarabangsa (UIAM)
habis sudah...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Awesome Song
silent = punishment?..

Tuesday, June 09, 2009
cerita smlm..
yg jauh tetap dekat..
nihlah kerja hujung minggu aku...ber-web cam dlm ym dgn mak aku...huhu..tuh kakak aku tgh interprem..
notakaki saya:hendak seribu daya...tak hendak seribu dalih..sayang mak!!
yg jauh tetap dekat..
morning u oll...

wahhh...mcm lama dah aku tak update blog aku nih..kenapakah?...penuh dgn artikel dr paper jerk..jugak kenapakah??..

Friday, June 05, 2009
Read this pep...
Taken from today Malay Mail Newspaper
Tragic suicide ends little Sam’s story
By Frankie D'Cruz
Thursday, June 4th, 2009

COMMENTARY: THE doting parents had both quit their jobs to care for their fragile five-year-old son after a car accident left him completely paralysed from the neck down.
But destiny had another unkind trick planned for this small family in England.
Little Sam Puttick contracted the deadly brain bug meningitis last Tuesday and died at home three days later.Stricken with sorrow, ex-charity worker Neil, 34, and his Japanese-born translator wife Kazumi, 44, could not face life without Sam.
And so on Sunday, the couple left an extremely emotional typewritten note and drove 140 miles from their home to the 500ft Beachy Head suicide spot in East Sussex.
There they leapt to their deaths. Sam's little body was found in a zipped-up rucksack alongside his parents' bodies. A second rucksack nearby was filled with Sam's toys, including his favourite yellow toy tractor.
Neil and Kazumi went because they wanted to be with their precious Sam and could not bear the thought of him being helpless and alone.
While it might be an inspiration to the devotion parents have for their children, it is also a grim reminder to those sickening parents who abuse, neglect and starve their own children. Many of us may not agree with suicide, but as parents, we cannot imagine living a day without our young.
Those who condemn the suicide as a weak and shameful thing do have a point.
Imagine the pain their extended family and friends will now have to go through.
Truth is: your life is not just your own, part of it belongs to those who love you.
Sam's story is a heartwrencher. His perfect life was ruined by a careless driver. The youngster was just 18 months old when he was left effectively quadriplegic following a car crash in 2005.
His car seat was flung through the window of his mother's car during a head-on collision. His spinal cord was completely severed in the accident. Till his death, Sam could speak quite clearly and move his head but apart from that, he was all tubes.
Neil and Kazumi set up a website after his accident and raised close to RM200,000 to buy specialist equipment for their severely disabled boy. Doctors said Sam would never recover from his injuries but his parents refused to give up hope that he would walk, talk and breathe again.
Doesn't his story make you say thank you for the life you have?
Don't we just want to hug our kids?
footnote saya : kasih sayang sejati sampai akhir hayat...mampu membuatkan manusia tidak berfikir dgn bijak...tetapi membunuh diri bukan langkah bijak...sebb diorg dah menyekat peluang manusia lain untuk belajar dan mencontohi ketabahan mereka...its hurt..but giving other people chance to learn from them...sometime can help others gone tru this cruel world..appreciated life no matter how hard it make u hurt...thing twice before do something..because a part of it..belong to others also...
p/s : kekadang "keadaan" buat kita belajar dan memaksa kita untuk jadik tabah dan kuat..jadik aku tabik spring pada si keadaan kerana keadaanlah...yang buat aku terus tabah dan semakin kuat...
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Interesting article in new strait times
By : Alika Rahman 2009/06/03
BEFORE we meet “the five people in heaven”, as writer Mitch Albom would have it, another scribe has decreed that there are five kinds of friends every woman should have.
Michelle Burford recently wrote in O, The Oprah Magazine that if one can somehow find a pal who possesses any of the following qualities, one should consider oneself fortunate.She has been counting on her buddies for completely different things, she says.
For starters, you need The Uplifter, a friend who will say yes to your every plan, no matter how ludicrous they may be.I guess this means you could tell her your dream of leaving your six-figure salaried job and becoming a backpacker and she’d whoop at the idea.She does not judge you and will accept you, warts and all.
Well and good but you’d still need some check and balance and should have in your life The Truth Teller who is a level-headed person who would be able to tell it to you as is, without malice.She cares for you and her concerns are sincere.
Next is the Travel Buddy. Burford says that on occasions when you go on vacation, you need to be with a person who could adapt to any situation without batting an eyelid.I’m adding that this damsel should certainly not be one to distress over botched programmes (you know only too well that travel brochures can fall short of its promises!).She has to be street-smart, for instance, not to get duped by black marketeers selling West End musical tickets for double the actual price.
The Travel Buddy is not to be confused with the Girl Who Just Wants To Have Fun.This lass is one you seek for an instant pick-me-up. She is perky, cheery and high-spirited, all rolled into one.She is your partner in crime when you feel like a spontaneous splurge at the mall, economic woes or no.
The last kind of pal listed is the Unlikely Friend. This kind spans the range of people who “represent a world in us”.For Burford, they are those who can be twice one’s age, some younger, homeless, rich, black, Mexican and Korean. They all have added “richness that only variety can bring”, she says.So, am I lucky or what? I think I am pretty blessed. I do not only have the above types of bosom friends, a few of them are composites of the above-mentioned categories.
In fact, I have extra categories to add — the Designated Driver and the Chef (thanks guys, keep at it!).Putting the statement that birds of a feather flock together into high gear, I would say we are all natural Uplifters, with none coming close to being total party poopers or sourpusses.Wait a minute, Dahlia tends to nurse doom and gloom moments and June has her “issues with myself” days but I’d like to think the dark clouds vanish as soon as they come into contact with the rays of sunshine that is all of us, of course.For some home truths, Hock Hwa is always only too happy to give you a piece of his mind.These “slivers of wisdom” could include a telling-off when you have, as a journalist, displayed extreme bad taste in your choice of pictures or words for a particular story, or that your singing voice is no longer what it used to be.Elsewhere, it is my good fortune, I suppose, that the gang shares a second name — “travel”.Given half the chance, we’d all give anything for a chance to scour the streets of San Francisco or hang at a trattoria in Tuscany. Nearer home, catching the beauty of a Balinese beach at dusk constitutes paradise.As for unlikely friends, each and every one of us has our own motley crew of pals from all corners of the world. I could throw a Puerto Rican in for full effect, see?At any rate, the group of us comprising a belly dancing lass of Arabian descent, a dapper chap from Kota Baru, an animated tudung-clad damsel from Alor Star, a half-Chinese workaholic, a brand-conscious fashionista, an Andrew Lloyd Webber wannabe plus a “wish I am in Italy” dreamer of a youngster are an unlikely lot in itself.But I reckon it would be most heavenly if they are the very people I’d meet in heaven...
Tika renungi malamku
bersama tirai perindu
potret permaisuriku
Lenamu didakapan
kuinginku belai rambutmu
saat malam malammu
walau kembara ku meredah alam maya
kan ku pertahan garis cinta kita
Ohku hancur dikala tak bersama
kau yang ku cinta
impi rinduku disaat mesra
oh kasih
oh terbina rona kota bahgia
permata dijiwa
oh kernamu
lautan duri ku tempuh
demi sucinya cintamu
tak ku hiraukan waktu
Ampunkan kesalahanku
ku pinjam raut wajahmu
hanya kau yang kurindu
P/S : aku tgh suka dgr lagu nih...hari2 kat opis diorg bukak radio sinar...sinar slalu mainkan lagu nih...bila slalu dgr mcm best plak...suka suka...hehehe...
Wednesday, June 03, 2009

rate aku...4/5 bintang lah..tak rugi tgk..cuma aku kurang suka christian bale tuh jadik hero..aku suka yg blakon jadik marcus tuh lagik..rasa dia plak pelakon utama cerita tuh..hehe...
Monday, June 01, 2009
her face...
pelajaran untuk hari ini
1.Dah pandai dah..jadik tak "payah"lah nak sembahyang...
2.boleh gali kubur "pakai" selipar...
korg mesti paham ayat no 1 tuh seolah2 aku ckp korg dah pandai jadik tak perlulah korg sembahyang lagik kan...sebenarnya salah..maksud ayat tuh adalah...