huwaaarrghhh!!...harini sedikit bosan di opis...mengantuk..walaupun semlm...
pukul 1030mlm dikala kesygan aku dikejauhan bersama 2 abg nya pergi ke secret recipe...aku kat sini dah mengundur diri utk tidur...awalkan aku tido?
semlm pas balik keja singgah pasar mlm dikampung subang..sedapnya dpt makan bihun sup n tauhu bakar kat situ...murah n sedap...biasalah..pasar malam kan...
mcm biasa dinner sorg2..pastu melayan tenet..kira sejak tak berkongsi keta dgn kakak lagik..aku dah ada byk masa untuk berehat...gila ahh..smlm jalan sesak nk mampus...dr nkve smpi ler ke dbp yg selalunya jalan tenang sahja...tapi smlm..time pegi pun sesak...time balik pun sesak...mungkin...budak2 skolah yg bawak kereta agaknya..minggu nih diorg da mula skolah...
pagi tadik..mcm biasa..tepat 6.00 pagi atau kekdg lebih...
tet..tet..tet(alkunun bunyik meset tpn aku begitu)..
"wake up syg"
aku dgn mata sebelah terbukak..seperti biasa...akan reply..
"morning baby.."
msg2 begitulah yg memulakan hari aku...tak tawu mcm mana kalau takde msg2 begitu pagi2 lagik..mesti mcm sunyik jek...sebb aku dah biasa skang..harituh bila dia ckp mungkin akan senyap seketika sebb takde credit..aku tetiba je ala2 ngamuk..sian dia..kena marah tak pasal2...tapi betullah..ingat best ke hantar msg kat org tapi takde reply..walaupun aku tawu..tak best jugak bila dpt msg tapi kita tak bleh reply...
sebenarnya..dlm byk2 manusia yg aku kenal..dia adalah antara org yg paham aku.. jugak antara org yg aku boleh paham dia... mungkin... libra serasi dgn leo...kerna itu sahabat2 terbaek aku dikalangan libra dan leo..walaupun hakikatnya dikatakan si leo mampu menganas...hehe..tapi seganas mana diorg bila berhadapan dgn si libra kan?..tapi kalau merajuk..bleh tahan gak la leo nih...hehehe...singa kan...kesabaran je yg penting dikala begitu..ditambah dgn ego lagik..ish ish ( mengeleng kepala dgn perlahan2)
pastu harini pegi keja...still smpi lmbt..walaupun hakikatnya aku kuar awal..adeh le...dah sakit kaki aku nih.. asyik tekan minyak dan break tak berkesudahan...tapi berbeza..sebb harini aku sudah brani mencilok2..dgn kabir..agak senanglah sikit mencilok ditgh kesesakan jalan...dan aku smpi tepat masa di dbp..
tp harini...mcm takde keja sebb bos takde...tgk facebook pun mcm nk termuntah...jadik..aku update le blog aku yg semkin jrg aku hupdate ni...
P/s : tgh terpk nk pegi konsert anuar zain dekat istana budaya..tapi tiket murah sudah habis.. arghh.. sygnyaa!... tetiba kakak kata dia dpt tiket rossa pulak..hurm...en scut plak ngajak aku pegi konsert akon dekat sunway lagoon..aku agak...kesimpulannya...1 konsert pun entah2 aku tak pegi...hehehe...
Leo Man & Libra Woman
This match has high hopes of lasting and becoming real love. You are both outgoing, social people who adore drama and excitement. You both love being the star of the show, and you'll have a great time going out together. You love beautiful things, and he is generous with his money. You love laughing, trying new things and having fun, and his zest for life will guarantee that you're always amused and never bored. Your physical chemistry will sparkle. Leo boys also love to take charge of things, and that's great for you because you hating having to make decisions. He also loves shopping for clothes! He does need a lot of praise, but if you don't mind giving it to him he'll pay you back with lots of compliments. All in all, a wonderful love match. ( Source: Jellybean's Astro-Soulmate Guide )
Libra girl, with Leo boy you have a worthy candidate for partnership. He knows how to dress, treats you with respect and admiration, and will never forget how lucky he is to have you on his arm. The only potential pratfall of this relationship: in time he may become a bit possessive, so if you don't like clingy, have a one-to-one that spells out your concerns. ( Source: FUNgirl - Astrology )
Leo Woman & Libra Man
This match has very good possibilities for lasting love. Your creative sides will work well together, as the Libra boy has a true flair for the dramatic. He is also the most romantic of all the male zodiac signs. A Libra boy will make a big deal about Valentine’s Day and you can expect him to come up with all sorts of creative ways to let you know he cares. He will put you at center stage, and you will love it. Your generous, affectionate nature also matches well with his strong need for attention. Truthfully, you are both attention addicts, but you should be able to satisfy each other’s needs. You also share a strong physical chemistry that makes that side of your relationship sizzle. A great love match for you. ( Source: Jellybean's Astro-Soulmate Guide )
Leo girl and Libra boy don't just walk into a room, they OWN it. Between your collective good looks and social charms, you're a true power pairing. Your best strength as a team lies in your ability to communicate with each other on virtually any topic. It's a rare relationship gift, so treasure and protect it. ( Source: FUNgirl - Astrology )
mmg ngam lah... aku ske!! hee.. :)
ow..leo ganas yer..mesT lah ganas..haha..klu lemah n lembut jak..mna da best. i'll be feel sum missing in my day..if i'm not doing dat anymore..
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