Me : Maxis cust service..this is..
Her : I dont know how to tell you this..i lost my iphone ..everything sms..(crying...)
Me : so sorry to here that..when exactly u realize u lost ur iphone..did you remember your last location you go..
Her : I dont know..i never take it out..i call for the first time still ringing..then after that no more..
As check,she just bought the iphone for 1 month..with 24 month contract..the penalty is, if she terminate the contract, the penalty could be more than RM1K..instead of suspend the line..i try to help by calling the number few times..before help her to suspend..Bukan apa..dapat rasakan kalau iphone aku yg hilang apa yg aku rasa..Gila nk beli balik iphone harga dekat 3 ribu then kontrak pun dkt 2 tahun..naseb bukan kontrak utk blackberry...sebb blackberry internet service ( bis ) just for kalau dia beli phone lain n guna idata tue...still tak rugi lah kan bayar bulan2..sebb kalau blackberry...ko kena beli blackberry jugak tuk guna BIS yg ko dah ikat kontrak tue...kalau tak tanggung lah byr bulan2 tak after few attempt to call back
so cust tue balik utk comfirmkan line dia di adv dia utk terus guna line tue kalau tak nnt kena penalti..tapi mmg touching gila dgr dia nangis..sedih sgt..
And utk dikongsi dgn pengguna iphone lain..mungkin korg nak tawu apa perlu dibuatkan kalau iphone hilang..berikut ada beberapa step aku google2 dpt..

1. Apple ada keluarkan application yang dipanggil Find My iPhone dimana pemilik iPhone boleh mengesan iPhone mereka yg hilag atau dicuri dgn menggunakan kemudahan GPS pada iPhone..Application ni adalah sebahagian dri Apple’s MobileMe online subscription service.
Find My iPhone will pinpoint the iPhone’s current location using Google Maps and let owners send and display a message on the iPhone even if it’s locked, presumably to provide information on how to return the phone to the finder of the phone. The Find My iPhone feature can also force the iPhone to play a sound for 2 minutes, which is useful for not only getting the attention of the finder of iPhone but also locating it between couch cushions.
Untuk mendapatkan Find My iPhone feature kita perlu melanggan dgn Apple’s MobileMe service, yang berharga $99 ( dlm dolar ya bukan ringgit Malaysia ) selepas 2 bulan Free trial.
2.iLocalist : membanu mengesan lokasi iphone and remote control it! Boleh di-consider sebagai best theft-tracking and remote control utility utuk iphone.
- Never lose you iPhone: Kalau hilang cuma perlu login dlm iLocalis site dan anda akan tawu dimana lokasi terakhir tepon ni..
- Retrieve a stolen iPhone: If your iPhone is stolen you can log into the site and check out where it’s at. Extra features built into iLocalis allow you to send text messages or make calls on your iPhone when you don’t even have it with you. If you iPhone is stolen log in and send yourself a text message. Dan kalau sim card dlm iphone ni ditelah dikluarkan dan ditukar..ANDA BOLEH TAWU APA NO TELEPON SIM TUE!meaning..korng boleh dapatkan nombor tepon sipencurik tuh..
- Allow your family and friends to know where you are: iLocalis will send a message to your friends when you are near by. You can also set it up to allow your friends to locate you. If your friend also has iLocalis you can send messages to each other for free. No txt messaging charges.
- iLocalis boleh jugak digunakan oleh syarikat2 anda utk mengesan pekerja mereka yg menggunakan iLocalist ni melalui website dgn mudah sekali..(aduiyaii)
Ini antara application yg bleh digunakan sebagai langkah berjaga2 dr kehilangan herta anda yg berharga...even aku pu tgh mengkonsider serbey2 application lain yg menarik utk di - install..Mampus nk beli balik tue..yg paling penting..mampus kena marah dgn abah aku kalau ilang..hehehe..
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