Sunday, April 19, 2009

suprise for her....

Bukan gambar bunga sebnarnya...hehehe

We dont plan to out together yesterday...and i dunt plan to make the suprise... i buy someone mcflurry oreo wit a purple flower...which she only knew i just want to buy her icecream but not with flower...hahaa...she so speechless at the time i gave her the flower...can see tru her face...n i do notice that...happy when we can do somthing for someone and it make her da same time bcoz we make others smile,we also feel happy and smile after a lot of stressful work lately...

Myluv syg...
da ice cream is nothing..
but da flower...
for you because u like purple...
as a thank for always help me remember things i dunt really bother to remember..
tak kedekut sms utk ingatkan i bila kelas takda...bila mau buat assignment..
sebb selalu tlg i dgn assignment kita yg tak hengatnya banyak...
n u never mad at me even i still have time with YM even at the moment u really in serious mode to finish the work...
n bcoz u never turn to be "singa" with me...hahaha..
lastly reason i can give...
because you are myluv...


Ms Nur Mizly said...

ouh sayangness..i love you tuuuu..memuawwhhhh

atoi_allen said...

wahhh~ bestnya~ isk3..lme dh x ber romantik2 neh..aiyork~ abesla my next gf in future, aku dh x reti romantik2..hak3

Ary said... luv u too...muahhh2 back... lagik..blajar dr aku mcm mana nak jadik romantik..jgn jadik romantaik dah...hahaha...

rubi said...

romantik lah sgt.... :p

Ary said...

eleh...ko jeles eh mas..aku dah pernah kasik ko bunga kan..sudah ler...

violet said...

THANK YOU VERY MUCH from d bottom of my heart...i don know what 2 say anymore...but d important thing is thanks coz really appreciate what i did 4 u. Thanks once again my lurve..sememangnya my lurve layak jdi my 'my lurve'.

Ary said...

sape lagik yg layak jadik urluv kan kalau bukan i..chewah..gila perasan kan syg...