Damn...it so nice...so good...so WOW!!!....HAHAHAHA!!!..( but still transformers never failed to make me WOW!! all the time)..hehe..
i just finish watching the movie..currently now i was in sunway pyramid starbuck..having blog updated directly after watching the movie...for me its a 5 stars..since i am a biggy.. biggest.. DAMN Fanatic big fan of dragon ball comic...( which i do have full comic as my collection, completely all wrap in plastic..and on the shelf followed by numbers...)..so..while watching the movie.. i already understand the stories...so...the KAME HAME HA they make for the movie look like real..i mean..looks like wut i already imagine while im reading the comicz..so...kalau org lain rasa mcm tak best...suka korg ler..tapi bagi aku mcm best je..walaupun goku tuh tak mcm yg digembar gempurkan dlm komik..hehe..tapi bila lihat...tonton...dan tgk ini movie...biasa buat wa terima dan paham...kenapa manusia itu dipilih utk menjadi goku...kepada mas...ampun.. sorry.. mintak maaf...sebb aku dah janji nak tgk dgn ko kan..tp aku pi tgk dulu...tak sempat nk tunggu ko...hahaha..tapi takperlah..dah ko membebel tadi..esok aku blanja eh..tgk crita tuh lagik.. hahaha... syok2...comfirm ada dragon ball 2..sebb??.hehehe...korg tgk ler sendiri..baru paham kenapa aku cakap begitu...hehe...
the end...

eh wait...hehehe..
after this...enjoying my self with my fabeles frend like usual...mas dah kol tadi..macam tau2 ja aku dgn mira nak ke sana..baru nk meset...hurm...sekarang...sy tgh menunggu jawapan scut utk jemputan menyertai majlis...hehehe....nak join..be my frend first...n make sure...you are among the fabeles...okeh?....only yg terbaek adalah kawan2 sayer....hehehe...
o...patutlah tiada kat umah 2130 td. orait..njoy urself wif ur febeles fwens! nway, mcm best story goku nih..t'ingin plak mau tgk. nnt lah..klu ada rezeki.
myluv syg..i baru update blog ni..u dah komen eh...hahaha...best..nnt i bawak u pegi tgk eh...
bleh!bleh!bleh!(upin ipin)..biasalah, i kan suka comen2 blog u...only ur blog i comen tau..bkn keja yg mudah tuh...ha..ha.
i tau bukan sesuatu keja yg mudah...so thanks for that.:)
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