i just finish reading this book which i bought last weekend at MPH when im going out for hving my private time alone...motivation books...even the title kinda look like cintan2 or love story..but the truth is...its not...good book with good information delivery for teenagers...
cara penulis ni sampaikan sesuatu topik tuh sgt santai..dia jugak ada bagi contoh2 melalui perbualan...atau situasi yg kadang2 kita sendiri sememangnya lalui...topik2 berguna byk diterangkan...contohnya mengenai penyakit kelamin...cara untuk kita lebih menghormati diri sendiri dan jugak sayangkan diri kita sendiri...cover buku ni saja dah mcm novel remaja kan?..so just imagine the content...easy to understanding and accept..try to read this...go and get some copy for yourself at nearest bookstores...at least read something usefull for yourself aite...have fun..
mcm best jak bku nih...bleh pnjam, my lurve??
boleh ja myluv.nanti i bawak pegi kelas...
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