Monday, January 26, 2009

special thought for my self..

when everything become WORSE in your life..
everything turn to be WRONG...
everything make you feel SO DOWN..
everything was BLAMING on you...
everything look not on your side...
thats the time when frends always be there...
listen to everything even its clearly prove you are THE ONE who make it WRONG...
but they still there for you...
they still LISTEN...
they always try to UNDERSTAND...
they always CARE...
they are the one you should APPRECIATED...
the one u should DIE FOR...
the one you should choose for everything...
the ONE...
that u never can replaced for the rest of your life if you loose them for 1 MISTAKE...
the one you should be there for them...
just listen everything like they listen to you...
understand like they try to understand you...
then u never ever be alone...
never feel scared..
never feel so down...
never feel stupid...
coz at still have a person...
who always love you..for everything you are...
who always u dont know how to care for yourself..
who always willing to jump into the fire..and save you..
everything for the relationship..we called friends...
thank much..for people..who i called them...


p/s : sorry if my english and my grammar so bad..all those truely from my heart...try to learn to make it better...'wink2'


rubi said...

bagus2..percobaan yg bagus...
good try...hik3...keep up the good work buddy... :p

Ary said...

yeah yeah...akan ku try lagik...hehe..

Anonymous said...

nice thought my lurve! i like can be as a lesson 4 me.

Ary said...

one day..i will write sumthin special for you..okeh..sygku...hehe

Anonymous said...

rEaLLy??!teruja i dgr..i'll waiting dat 'sumthin' from u ya..

Anonymous said...

rEaLLy??!teruja i dgr..i'll waiting dat 'sumthin' from u ya..